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120 companies and organizations participated in BSAG Christmas campaign

cleaner groove with your christmas present

Baltic Sea Action Group’s Christmas campaign 2015 conducted by our marine orchestra brought 170 000 euros for the foundation’s Baltic Sea work. 120 companies and organizations joined in our marine orchestra. Most of the organizations can be seen in campaign site appearing as a Finnish music related fish caricatures.

Companies had the possibility to use campaign banners in their communications and to remember their clients with electronic season’s greetings. Campaign was created by advertising agency Taivas who came up with an idea to use Finnish musicians in our marine orchestra.

The core message of the campaign was nutrient cycling. Phosphorus and nitrogen are nutrients essential to all life. They are needed in crop production but right now the valuable nutrients leak from various sources causing eutrophication in the water bodies. The donations are used for BSAG for work for stopping the leakages and recycling the nutrients and keeping them in food production.

The overall interest towards environmental issues in all parts of society has increased during past years. Donations to Baltic Sea work is often only small part of companies and organizations environmental work. BSAG also examines possibilities for concrete Baltic Sea Commitments together with the interested donation makers.

We warmly thank all companies and organizations for participating in the 2015 Christmas campaign!


Aava Ohjelmistot Oy
Ab Chipsters Food Oy
Aker Arctic
Are Oy
Arvo Kokkonen Oy
Asianajajatoimisto Mäkitalo Rantanen & Co Oy
Berner Oy
Biovakka Suomi Oy
Business Center Papula
Cargotec Oy
Ccea Oy
Cinia Group Oy
DHL Global Forwarding (Finland) Oy
Dimenteq Oy
Dinolift Oy
Dräger Suomi Oy
e21 Solutions Oy
ebm-papst Oy
Eläinruokatehdas Lemmikki Oy
Eskomatic Oy
Exclusive Networks Oy
Finncontainers Oy
Finnfrost Oy
Finnsitro Oy
Foreship Oy
Hellmanin Konepaja Oy
Honkajoki Oy
Howden Finland Oy
Invenco Oy
Itä-Uudenmaan  Jätehuolto Oy / Östra Nylands Avfallsservice Ab
Joutsen Media Oy
Juuriharha Consulting Group Oy
Kotirinki Oy
Kotkamills Oy
Kouvolan K-Rauta/Myllykosken Rauta Oy
Lasitusliike V Aalto Oy
Leitzinger Oy
Lm Tietopalvelut/ LM Informationtjäst / LM Information Delivery
Lumi Accessories Oy
Mandatum Life
MariGroup Oy
Merimieseläkekassa – Sjömanspensionskassan
MicroMedia Oy
Midagon Oy
Novatron Oy
OEM Finland Oy
Omya Oy
Oy Hydro-Material Ab
Oy MakroBios Ab
Oy Pamon Ab
Oy Toppi Ab
Pagode Oy
Pakrak Oy
Peltonen LMR
Pirkanmaan Jätehuolto Oy
Pohjolan Voima Oy
Power Tech Group
Procopé & Hornborg Asianajajatoimisto Oy
Ramirent Plc
RAO Nordic Oy
Renewa Oy
Rosk`n Roll Oy Ab
SAS Institute Oy
Sauvon Säilyke Oy
SP-Works Oy
StaffPoint Oy
Stanley Security Oy
Steerprop Oy
Suomen riistakeskus
Suomen Teollisuussijoitus Oy
Suunnittelutoimisto Taivas
Sweco Finland
Teksor Oy
Tengbom Eriksson Arkkitehdit Oy
Trimico Oy
Turun Vesiliikelaitos
Turun Ylioppilaskyläsäätiö
UVL Talotekniikka Oy
Veho Oy Ab
Viking Line
VISIO Varainhoito Oy
Wermundsen Oy
Ylemmät Toimihenkilöt YTN ry

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