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Baltic Sea Future conference in Stockholm

Baltic Sea Action Group (BSAG) attended on 6th-7th of March to Baltic Sea Future conference in Stockholm. The conference was organised by Stockholm University, Sustainable Seas Foundation and Stockholms Stad with cooperation of Stockholmsmässan.

The focus of the conference was naturally the work that different actors do for saving the Baltic Sea, but more emphasis was set on the municipalities. There were good examples done in a municipal level, either by the municipality, like in Växjö or Stockholm, or by another actor, like in Björnöfjärden with a support of Baltic Sea 2020.

The intergovernmental framework that was widely used in the presentations was UN’s Sustainable Development Goals.

One of the sessions focused on “innovative solutions, multilevel governance and how to reduce impacts from source to sea”. Baltic Sea Action Group presented Nutrient cycling Ecosystem as a solution that covers different levels of action from multilevel governance to innovations of companies. The presentation can be found under the link:

Enhancing innovative cooperation – symbiotic partnership network as a way to promote nutrient cycling and mitigate eutrophication.”

baltic sea future

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