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Berner’s commitment brings innovative recycled fertiliser product for domestic gardeners

Berner Oy launches new environmentally friendly garden fertiliser product GreenCare Ympäristön Ystävä (friend of the environment).  The launch is done in cooperation with Baltic Sea Action Group and the retailing chain SOK. Berner Oy makes a Commitment to the Baltic Sea by continuing to explore new possibilities for sustainable nutrient cycling, and by supporting Baltic Sea Action Group financially.

Ecological sustainability has been in focus in the whole production line from raw materials to packaging of GreenCare Ympäristön Ystävä garden fertiliser.  The main raw materials of the product are biomasses, that are previously unused as sources of nutrients, like side streams of cereal or sugar industry

-The vegetable waste from the Finnish agricultural and forest farms returns back to the soil with the help of this product. Adding organic material to the soil increases the number and activity of useful microbes, improves the structure of the soil and increases carbon sequestration. The Finnish invention SOILFOOD INSIDE helps plants to utilize the nutrient resources in the soil in more effectively, and thus plant growth is balanced and blossoming plentiful. The usage of odourless fertilizer granules is easy and tidy, tells Janne Pulkkinen, Category Manager, gardening products in Berner Oy.

Ympäristön Ystävä –fertiliser can be bought from all SOK’s garden retailer points: Kodin Terra, Prisma and S-rauta.


Berner joins the ranks of Baltic Sea Commitment Makers

As a Commitment for the Baltic Sea Berner promises to continue to explore and develop methods to recycle nutrients in a sustainable way, both in domestic gardens and agriculture. Berner also supports BSAG’s work to save the Baltic Sea by donating 50 cents from each sold GreenCare Ympäristön Ystävä product to BSAG.

– Solutions for the circular economy are essential in the world of finite resources, but they also bring competitive advance. Consumer trend surveys and the consumer analyses we have made show that environmental aspects and corporate social responsibility issues are more and more important for the consumers and have real influence on purchase decisions, says Antti Korpiniemi, CEO, Berner Oy.

– Nutrient cycling is crucial for the Baltic Sea, because excess of nutrients in the sea cause algal blooming. Utilizing the nutrient side streams that has been previously neglected as waste closes the leakage from the nutrient cycle and decreases nutrient runoff and eutrophication of the sea. In addition to utilization of the nutrient side streams, the achieved improvement of soil structure and quality in the garden benefits the environment by decreasing nutrient runoff from the garden, emphasizes Mathias Bergman, secretary general, BSAG.


Singer Mikael Gabriel gives a face for environmental gardening

Singer Mikael Gabriel and Berner continue the cooperation which started last fall in the popular TV music show Vain Elämää. Mikael Gabriel promotes environmentally friendly lifestyle and gardening as part of it. Berner’s goal to inspire even younger people to grow flowers and vegetables fits him.

-I got really interested in gardening last year and took care om my own yard enthusiastically the whole summer. I am a friend of the environment and thus, try to find more sustainable choices as a consumer, says Mikael Gabriel.

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