BSAG Commitment and Communication workshop 22.8. and 29.8.2012
22.08.2012 |
Baltic Sea Action Group organizes a Communication workshop for Commitment makers – with a help of Commitment makers- on 22.8. and 29.8. in Helsinki. The goal of the day is to find new possibilities to use the Baltic Sea Commitment in each organizations´ own communication. The new Commitment bank web service and the updating of commitments will also be presented and advised in the event.
To spark up the ideas and generate discussion are Journalist Ile Jokinen from Radio Nova, Communication Consultants from Communication Agency Pilgrim and charismatic Baltic Sea biologist Juha “Roope” Flinkman. The event is held at ProCom’s (the Finnish Association of Communications Professionals) premises in Helsinki.
The program can be found BSAG Communication workshop 22082012.pdf
As there has been a lot of interest on Communication workshops, third workshop is planned to be held later in the fall.