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Strong need for economic growth and private sector involvement expressed at the BDF and EUBSRP’s joint conference, while the BSAG Commitment maker companies brought real-life solutions

6/5/2014 12:00 AM
The economic state of the Baltic Sea region, as well as the urgent need to save the Balti Sea were among the key topics at the  joint forum of Baltic Development Forum and EU Baltic Sea Region Programme’s annual meeting in Turku 3. – 4. June 2014.
In his opening speech the EU Commissioner for Regional Policy Johannes Hahncalled for ownership and action regarding the priority areas decided together in the Baltic Sea region. In the plenary speakers as well as representatives of EU’s financing instruments talked about the importance of business and the private sector, Public-Private-partnerships. Also in terms of being able to save the Baltic Sea.
Real-life solutions from companies and their motivation to develop them were heard at the session arranged by BSAG and BDF. The Baltic Sea Commitment makers Yara, Agrimarket, Raisioagro, Fazer, Sinerbrychoff and Biovakka presented their solutions to achieve economically viable water and nutrient management.
In order to have fully sustainable nutrient recycling, all sectors from producers to end-users need to be involved. This was aptly shown in the case examples covering nutrient management in farming, food production, and biogas production from municipal sewage sludge. The companies have successfully involved their partners and customers to complete the nutrient cycle.
The Finnish Minister of Environment Ville Niinistö set the goal high stating that in ten years Finland doesn’t need imported phosphorus. The goal, he said, can be reached through innovations, new business models and adapting legislation that supports nutrient cycling.
Also St. Petersburg Initiative presented its work for cleaner shipping in the Baltic Sea at the Blue Growth session of the joint forum. St. Petersburg Initiative was started by Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev at the St. Petersburg Baltic Sea Forum 2013. The SPI aims at bringing the force of Russian enterprises to work for the Baltic Sea. BSAG is a member in the SPI Executive Board as well as in the secretariat.  Also involved in SPI are among others Gazprom, Nord Stream, Carlsberg, Vodokanal, Helcom and the European Commission.

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