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Nordkalk organizes a demonstration of lime application in the farmland of Qvidja Manor

A new step is taken in the Commitment by Nordkalk to reduce nutrient, especially phosphorus runoffs to the Baltic Sea. Nordkalk organizes a demonstration of lime application in practice in the farmlands of Qvidja Manor in Pargas. The presentation is part of Nordkalk´s 5-year-long Commitment started in 2012 aiming to reduce phosphorus runoffs to water courses and to the Baltic Sea. Commitment is based on FOSTOP concept developed by Nordkalk comprising limestone-based products used in environmental care and agriculture.

The demonstration shows how liming can prevent phosphorus leakages on water courses by changing the soil structure and increasing nutrient utilization for crop production in a cost-efficient way.

Speakers will include CEO of Nordkalk Jarkko Kaplin, owner of the Qvidja farm and Chairman of the Board of BSAG Ilkka Herlin and sales manager of Nordkalk Timo Kanerva.

The program includes visits to Nordkalk´s lime and grinding plant Parfill and the limestone mine in Pargas.

The event will be held on 25 August 2015.

More information from Marketing Coordinator Tiina Roine: firstname.lastname (at)

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