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Forum of Sector Research

Organisation: BONUS

Time: 9/1/2010 – 9/1/2011



BONUS EEIG will establish a specific organ, Forum of Sector Research (FSR) for cross-sectoral integration of research of the Baltic Sea basin, to link university-based science with studies made under agriculture, forestry, fishery, energy and transport sectors and weather services. The Forum will be formed to discuss the emerging research needs from the decision-making perspective and its opinions will be taken into account when calls for research proposals are decided by the EEIG. It will be a tool for advancing the pan-Baltic integration of research across sectoral borders and research done with the non-competitive funding. Furthermore, it will include the use and planning of joint infrastructures.

The implementation will start by identifying the relevant sector ministries and actors. They will be invited to a 1-day Kick-Off conference in the fall 2010, where the Forum will be created. Thereafter the FSR will convene once a year.

The objective is to strengthen the scientific basis of the environment management and sustainable use of the ecosystem goods and services provided by the Baltic Sea and increase the impact of science in decision making. This will be achieved through fostering cross sectoral integration of Baltic Sea marine and maritime research.
