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The Baltic Sea’s habitants star in BSAG’s christmas campaign

The Baltic Sea Action Group’s annual christmas campaign has started. This year’s campaign is starred by the precious creatures living underneath the surface of the Baltic Sea, and the campaign theme is Long live the Baltic Sea. BSAG’s christmas campaign offers companies a chance to donate money to save the Baltic Sea, instead of spending it on material items.

The loss of nature’s biodiversity is a global threat which also affects the Baltic Sea. Long live the Baltic Sea -campaign aims to highlight the sea’s beauty and exceptionality, as well as bring attention to its habitants and securing their future. Biodiversity in the Baltic Sea is threatened by eutrophication, climate change and different human-induced pressures.

”The poor ecological condition of the Baltic Sea is well-known. With the Long live the Baltic Sea -campaign we wish to remind that despite its problems, the sea is also beautiful and unique and saving it is still possible! BSAG works to mitigate eutrophication and climate change, and to promote the protection of underwater biodiversity. Companies can participate in helping the Baltic Sea and its habitants by supporting BSAG”, says BSAG’s Managing Director Michaela Ramm-Schmidt.

The species chosen to represent the Baltic Sea’s biodiversity are porpoise, cod, zander, European flounder, Northern pike, whitefish, perch, blue mussel, moon jellyfish, Baltic herring and bladder wrack. All aforementioned species are introduced further on the campaign site. Each donation sum is matched with one of these species, which will be displayed on the campaign site together with the donating company’s logo. The more donations are collected, the livelier the campaign site becomes!

In addition to visibility on the campaign site, donors will also receive materials to communicate about their donation e.g. in social media and e-mails. The amount of materials depends on the size of the donation. All donors are also welcome to participate in a Baltic Sea themed evening organized by BSAG in the beginning of next year.

The campaign site can be found here: The site is in Finnish.

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