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Baltic Sea – from Science to Action, Helsinki University Multidiciplinary Research, Education and Solutions to improve the state of the changing Baltic Sea.

Organisation: Helsingin yliopisto

Time: 1/4/2010 – 1/1/2015



University of Helsinki (UH) is a leading multidisciplinary university in Finland. Research and education concerning Baltic Sea can be found in 8 faculties ranging from sea archeology to microbiology of algae and studies on policies to protect the Baltic Sea. UH has several professors whose work concentrate exclusively on Baltic Sea. Because of the great variety of Baltic Sea activities under the same roof, UH has a great potential to create a multidisciplinary Baltic Sea center that would be unique and highly needed in Finland. This is where UH commitment aims at. Interdisciplinary solutions are innovative and highly needed in order to find answers to environmental problems of the Baltic Sea.

UH will start a Baltic Sea Academy, which aims to provide the latest research information directly to policy-makers and citizens.

UH will start a new multidisciplinary program on research and education by combining the expertise from all the departments.

Environmental questions are always multifaceted and solutions lie in the interfaces of the various disciplines. New fresh ideas, solutions and educated professionals are needed to face the challenges of the current environmental problems in the Baltic Sea, and furthermore, the future impacts of the climate change. This also includes the establishment of the Global Change Academy . The Academy is needed to gather scientists into multidisciplinary and collaborative activity to provide knowledge-based information for Finland to combating global change effects at all levels of society.

Objective of the Commitment:
The commitment of the UH will produce new information on the state of the Baltic Sea and on the design of effective Baltic Sea policies. Impact on Baltic Sea is permanent
