Sinebrychoff commits to a more sustainable production of malted barley
Sinebrychoff made its second consecutive Baltic Sea Commitment. In addition to Sinebrychoff’s own production operations, the commitment focuses on the primary production of its most important raw material, malted barley.

Commitment was made in 2020

2020 – 2022
The main theme of Sinebrychoff’s second Baltic Sea Commitment is carbon in the value chain. The Commitment covers the years 2020–2022, followed by a progress report on the actualized goals of the Commitment as well as possible needs to further develop the cooperation. The Commitment work is strongly linked with BSAG’s Carbon Action platform. Besides Sinebrychoff’s own production, the core of the Commitment will also include the primary production of the most significant raw material, malt barley.
A significant role within primary production is given to the target to move “Towards carbon-farmed Christmas Beer”. Sinebrychoff’s Christmas Beer has been produced in cooperation with BSAG for already three consecutive years. The objective now is to take the progress another step forward. The production of carbon-farmed Christmas beer focuses on sustainable nutrient use and the prevention of nutrient loss, as well as on soil health and sequestering atmospheric carbon into the soil.
The carbon-farmed Christmas Beer is a new step in our long-term efforts to promote the sustainability of the primary production of malt barley. Besides primary production, Sinebrychoff’s long-term aim is to promote sustainability also in the entire supply chain of barley malt as well as the primary production of sugar beet which is the source of sugar needed in soft drink production.
In its own production, Sinebrychoff is committed to three major sustainability targets.
By 2022, water consumption decreases to 2,05 litres and by 2030 to 1,7 litres per produced litre.
By 2022, the amount of carbon emissions reduced to 1,52kg per hectoliter, and by 2030 Sinebrychoff aims to be a carbon-neutral brewery.
The tool to recover carbon dioxide from brewing to be made even more efficient.
The return rate of plastic bottles to be increased. During 2020 Sinebrychoff shall complete a plastics roadmap which aims to support Finland’s national plastics roadmap and to decrease carbon emissions in packaging.
We will continue to reduce the brewery’s carbon dioxide emissions so that we are a carbon-free brewery by 2030 at the latest. In terms of water use, our goal is to achieve a drop of 70,000 m3 from the 2019 level by 2022.
Marja-Liisa Weckström, Director of Communications and Responsibility, Sinebrychoff
Sinebrychoff’s personnel has an intersectional role in the value chain. One of the Commitment’s focus areas includes keeping Sinebrychoff’s personnel informed and training them in the work done in BSAG and especially on the Carbon Action platform. This will be initiated in 2020 by taking the information to relevant personnel groups including management, production, communication and marketing. Besides training its own personnel, Sinebrychoff is also committed to communicating the Carbon Action initiative and carbon farming to its parent company Carlsberg Breweries and its key personnel. In connection with its second Commitment, Sinebrychoff’s aim is also to bring parent group management and key personnel to Finland to see BSAG’s work and the Carbon Action initiative.
Sinebrychoff will join the Carbon Action business platform, which enables co-operation between various operators within the food chain as well as the development of operations in the framework of carbon farming.
Sinebrychoff also commits to highlighting carbon farming and the operations of the Carbon Action business platform in its communications. Sinebrychoff further commits to actively communicating its Baltic Sea Commitment in its own channels for relevant stakeholders.